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 1. Pastor David Roberts  01-26-04 Baptize In the Fathers Name-  Word Of Yahweh Preaching Radio 2003 
 2. Misty Edwards  Baptize My Heart  Always on His Mind   
 3. Anastacia  Baptize My Soul  Freak Of Nature   
 4. D. Todd Christofferson  Why Do We Baptize for the Dead?  New Era, March 2009 
 5. Pastor David Roberts  01-10-04 What is the Fathers Name-(cd2)  The Word of YAHWEH Preached 
 6. Dr. Edwin Blum  03 - Age Of The Fathers  Church History 
 7. Pastor David Roberts  01-10-04 What is the Fathers Name-(cd1)  The Word of YAHWEH Preached 
 8. Pastor David Roberts  01-10-04 What is the Fathers Name-(cd1)  The Word of YAHWEH Preached 
 9. Pastor David Roberts  01-10-04 What is the Fathers Name-(cd1)  The Word of YAHWEH Preached 
 10. Daniel Lapp Reunion  For Our Fathers  Daniel Lapp and Friends 
 11. Ken Sparks  Fathers Day  Sundays @ Providence 
 12. Fred Bock  God Of Our Fathers  Patriotic Songs 
 13. Mark Driscoll  Men as Fathers  Proverbs 
 14. George W. Warren; arranged by Thomas Knox  God of Our Fathers  From Fife and Drum... 
 15. The Providence Presbyterian Church Choir  God of Our Fathers  God of Our Fathers 
 16. SMS Men's Chorus  God of Our Fathers  God Bless America 
 17. Aftertaste  Fathers     
 18. WireTap with Jonathan Goldstein  Our Fathers  WireTap 
 19. Don Marsh - Instrumental Hymns  God Of Our Fathers  A Mighty Fortress 
 20. Rev. Valson Abraham IGO  Doing The Fathers Will  Doing The Fathers Will 
 21. Portage Church Of God Of Prophecy  Fathers Day  Sermon Cast 3 
 22. Hale And Wilder  God Of Our Fathers  Sing America 
 23. London Philharmonic Orchestra and Amen Choir  God of Our Fathers  Hymns Triumphant Volume I 
 24. Eric Clapton  My Fathers Eyes     
 25. Patrick Crowley, Paul Goodfellow, and Steve Harris  Honoring fathers' day  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 26. Explosions In The Sky  A Song For Our Fathers  How Strange, Innocence  
 27. Explosions In The Sky  A Song For Our Fathers  How Strange, Innocence  
 28. Dr. Cornelius Van Til  Church Fathers #2  Mt. Olive Tape Library, Inc. 
 29. Rev Chris Gordon  God of Our Fathers, God of Our Sons  Genesis 
 30. Pastor David Roberts  05-22-04 My Fathers Great Name-(cd2)  The Word of YAHWEH Preached 
   1 2 3 4    »
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